Tuesday, September 18, 2007

post its

"You know....the yellow things with the stickem on the back."


Mukpuddy said...

Nicey nice bro!! Really dig the little girl in the last one!!

Stephen James. said...

That first one is awesome dude, one of the best sketches I've seen you done.

By the way is it just me or do some of those people in the 3rd picture look familiar?

Unknown said...

Coool pages of drawings!

Stuart Livingston said...

Yea the girl on the bottom is the strongest. Man I love sketchin

Justin Rodrigues said...

great stuff steve!

G-reg said...

are you alright? what happened?


fun stuff man!!

Geek Booteek said...

Hey there, hopefully we will have these on an on-line store soon, otherwise we can work something out for you!!

arlo ramz said...

neat stuff (-=

post it notes are God's greatest invetnion.

hope you're doing well meng. (-=

Stephen James. said...

Looking forward to updates Steve.

Keeley said...

i really like the girl riding the flamingo