Friday, December 23, 2005

Merry christmas everone

Wow, what a busy season it's been! And im not even done shopping for some of my friends. Phew, I can wait for all this to end. On a good note every single person that recieves a gift from me will get a very special Santa's Label of Approval with a small little illustration I put on them. Here's what they look like. Next week I will post some zoo drawings.

Sunday, December 04, 2005

Work In Progress

Here's a sample of some of my work I've done using maya. I tried to go for a very stylized look of this caricature and so far im pretty satisfied..can't wait till I finish up with the body.

Heres a little self portrait I made using Flash...and yes I happen to do many self portraits

Saturday, December 03, 2005

Hey everyone

Hey and welcome to my blog...From here you can stay updated with some of my most recent work. Im gonna just cut right to chase and give you some art because I know you probably dont care for what I have to say. Here ya go!

These are some characters for a pitch me and my buddy Hadley were working on.
And here are some boards for your enjoyment.